100 + Local Job
  • Green Workforce Preparation
  • Energy & Environmental Career Exploration Opportunities
Energy & Environmental Laboratory
  • Synergizing Important conversations and actions
  • Emphasizing Social Justice and Equitable Change
Energy / Environmental Showcase
  • Residential, Commercial, Transportation
  • Water and Air
  • Programs ( Local, State, Federal )
Gathering and Meeting Space
  • Rooftop Space
  • Outdoor Classroom Spaces
Who We Are

We create things that matter

The goal of The San Diego Energy Equity Center is to make sure that all levels of society participate in, contribute to,  and benefit from minimizing climate impacts and increasing renewable energy development and assist the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego in successfully implementing their Climate Action Plans.

More About

The Need for the San Diego Energy Equity Campus

Energy Equity is the fair distribution of the burdens and benefits from energy production and consumption. Communities of color and low-income communities (Communities of Concern) are more likely to be exposed to air pollution , are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and stand to benefit the most from energy efficiency and employment programs that help lower bills. Unfortunately, these communities are under-represented in San Diego’s electricity planning process. In order to ensure that we use electricity efficiently and reduce the negative impact of its production on vulnerable communities, utility planning processes must include authentic community engagement, participation and leadership from the full scope of San Diego communities.


Community Benefit Initiative

Our mission is to educate the generations to come, demonstrate sustainability, collaborate, and operate in a manner that delivers opportunity and break the systemic barriers to the community and transforms Southeastern San Diego with equitable sustainable development.

Why Should Colleges 'Go Green’?

If not Us…….WHO?
If Not Now……WHEN ?
If Not Here ……WHERE ?

Sustainability on Campus

Why are we going green? The best way to solve climate change is to first become educated about it. What better way to educate then right at a sustainable campus. The idea of “going green” is all about the small changes that can have a large effect.

Finding Our Support

The San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition is the non-profit CBO , dedicated to the Community Benefit Initiative and is seeking relationships with schools, businesses and other CBO's to join the Sustainable and Equitable Energy & Environmental  Revolution with us.

Seek More Information

How do you begin to become more environmentally conscious when you don’t know what to be conscious of? Connect with us today, so we can provide you more information on what we have aspired and planned for the near future.


View The Gallery


“We are no longer in the age or place where it’s just the thought that counts. What is needed now is radical community engagement, sustainable equitable resiliency and advanced operational structure.”

Stephen Walters

It’s an exciting time in the construction industry

October 30, 2021
Albion celebrate new surgery center groundbreaking

Etiam aliquet habitant orci scelerisque ultricies. Praesent turpis varius purus ut elementum dignissim.

October 30, 2021
Albion completes hospital’s south pavilion

Ultrices ullamcorper ut tincidunt eget ut. A mattis amet tempor id ultricies sit. Vivamus amet, enim auctor.

October 30, 2021
Construction begins on new office building

Aliquet aenean bibendum a est purus. Posuere tempor odio amet nibh sed turpis sed egestas nec.

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